
TOP 50 DIRECTORS (2021 ed.)

number of films seen + top five

1. 寺山修司 (seen: 7 features, 15 shorts)
Lying down in the attic, where angry waves sound very close, I make poetry my power.
b. 1935/12/10, 日本青森県弘前市
d. 1983/05/04, 日本東京都杉山区
    1. 田園に死す (1974)
    2. 書を捨てよ町へ出よう (1971)
    3. トマトケチャップ皇帝 (1971)
    4. 草迷宮 (1979)
    5. さらば箱舟 (1984)

2. 小津安二郎 (seen: 34 features, 3 shorts)
I formulated my own directing style in my own head, proceeding without any unnecessary imitation of others... For me there was no such thing as a teacher. I have relied entirely on my own strength.
b. 1903/12/12, 日本東京府深川区
d. 1963/12/12, 日本東京府文京区
    1. 東京暮色 (1957)
    2. 大人の見る繪本 生れてはみたけれど (1932)
    3. 東京の宿 (1935)
    4. 早春 (1956)
    5. 秋刀魚の味 (1962)

3. Stan Brakhage (seen: 4 features, 136 shorts)
There are a lot of movies made for nobody.
b. 1933/01/14, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
d. 2003/03/09, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
    1. The Dante Quartet (1987)
    2. Dog Star Man (1961-1964)
    3. Stellar (1993)
    4. Untitled (For Marilyn) (1992)
    5. Commingled Containers (1997)

4. Андрей Тарковский (seen: 7 features, 1 short)
Some sort of pressure must exist; the artist exists because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn’t look for harmony but would simply live in it. Art is born out of an ill-designed world.
b. 1932/04/04, Завражье, Костромская область, СССР
d. 1986/12/29, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Зеркало (1975)
    2. Nostalghia (1983)
    3. Андрей Рублёв (1966)
    4. Сталкер (1979)
    5. Солярис (1972)

5. João César Monteiro (seen: 13 features, 8 shorts)
I will be dust, but dust in love.
b. 1939/02/02, Figueira da Foz, Coimbra, Portugal
d. 2003/02/03, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    1. A Comédia de Deus (1995)
    2. Vai e Vem (2003)
    3. As Bodas de Deus (1999)
    4. Le Bassin de J.W. (1997)
    5. Recordações da Casa Amarela (1989)

6. 成瀬巳喜男 (seen: 64 features, 1 short)
From the youngest age, I have thought that the world we live in betrays us; this thought still remains with me.
b. 1905/08/20, 日本東京府四谷区
d. 1969/07/02, 日本東京府東京市
    1. 流れる (1956)
    2. 浮雲 (1955)
    3. 山の音 (1954)
    4. 晩菊 (1954)
    5. 女が階段を上る時 (1960)

7. Robert Bresson (seen: 13 features)
Hide the ideas, but so that people find them. The most important will be the most hidden.
b. 1901/09/25, Bromont-Lamothe, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
d. 1999/12/18, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Le Diable probablement (1977)
    2. Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (1971)
    3. Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
    4. Lancelot du Lac (1974)
    5. L'Argent (1983)

8. 吉田喜重 (seen: 17 features)
Defining a commercial film? It's a movie where you know everything. So, it's a film you soon forget.
b. 1933/02/16, 日本福井県福井市
    1. 煉獄エロイカ (1970)
    2. エロス+虐殺 (1969)
    3. 情炎 (1967)
    4. 告白的女優論 (1971)
    5. 炎と女 (1967)

9. Александр Сокуров (seen: 21 features, 9 shorts)
The surface of the screen and that of the canvas are one and the same.
b. 1951/06/14, Подорвиха, Иркутская область, СССР
    1. Дни затмения (1988)
    2. Одинокий голос человека (1987)
    3. Скорбное бесчувствие (1987)
    4. Тихие страницы (1994)
    5. Мать и сын (1997)

10. Werner Herzog (seen: 32 features, 5 shorts)
Film should be looked at straight on; it is not the art of scholars but of illiterates.
b. 1942/09/05, München, Bayern, Deutschland
    1. Glocken aus der Tiefe - Glaube und Aberglaube in Rußland (1993)
    2. Fata Morgana (1971)
    3. Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen (1970)
    4. Stroszek (1977)
    5. Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1972)

11. Patrick Bokanowski (seen: 1 feature, 8 shorts)
My films have no words. The word is something far too enriching.
b. 1943/06/23, Algiers, Algiers, Algérie française
    1. L’Ange (1982)
    2. Battements Solaires (2008)
    3. La Femme qui se poudre (1972)
    4. Déjeuner du matin (1974)
    5. La Plage (1992)

12. Philippe Garrel (seen: 16 features)
Cinema is Freud plus Lumière.
b. 1948/04/06, Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France, France
    1. Le Révélateur (1968)
    2. La Cicatrice intérieure (1972)
    3. Elle a passé tant d'heures sous les sunlights... (1985)
    4. Le Berceau de cristal (1976)
    5. L’Enfant secret (1979)

13. 溝口健二 (seen: 15 features)
You must put the odor of the human body into images... describe for me the implacable, the egoistic, the sensual, the cruel... there are nothing but disgusting people in this world.
b. 1898/05/16, 日本東京府本郷区
d. 1956/08/24, 日本京都府京都市
    1. 近松物語 (1954)
    2. 西鶴一代女 (1952)
    3. 山椒大夫 (1954)
    4. 雨月物語 (1953)
    5. 赤線地帯 (1956)

14. Walerian Borowczyk (seen: 12 features, 7 shorts)
Eroticism, sex, is one of the most moral parts of life. Eroticism does not kill, exterminate, encourage evil, lead to crime. On the contrary, it makes people gentler, brings joy, gives fulfillment, leads to selfless pleasure.
b. 1923/09/02, Kwilcz, Wielkopolskie, Polska
d. 2006/02/03, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Interno di un convento (1978)
    2. Docteur Jekyll et les femmes (1981)
    3. Blanche (1971)
    4. Dzieje grzechu (1975)
    5. La Bête (1975)

15. Արտավազդ Փելեշյան (seen: 1 feature, 7 shorts)
For me, distance montage opens up the mysteries of the movement of the universe. I can feel how everything is made and put together; I can sense its rhythmic movement.
b. 1938/02/22, Լենինական, Շիրակի, Հայաստան
    1. Времена года (1975)
    2. Наш век (1983)
    3. Обитатели (1970)
    4. Конец (1992)
    5. Начало (1967)

16. 若松孝二 (seen: 15 features)
 [on why the titles of his films were repetitive] Because the basic theme is the same, because all my films deal with the same primal element--the fight against authoritarianism, the individual's hate and revenge against authority and repression. That hate and revenge explodes in lust and violence. Is this bad?
b. 1936/04/01, 日本宮城県涌谷町
d. 2012/10/17, 日本東京府東京市
    1. ゆけゆけ二度目の処女 (1969)
    2. 胎児が密猟する時 (1966)
    3. 狂走情死考 (1969)
    4. 天使の恍惚 (1972)
    5. 壁の中の秘事 (1965)

17. 清水宏 (seen: 15 features)
People like me and Ozu get films made by hard work, but Shimizu is a genius. - 溝口健二
b. 1903/03/28, 日本静岡県浜松市
d. 1966/06/23, 日本京都府京都市
1. (1941)
2. 子供の四季 (1939)
3. 風の中の子供 (1937)
4. 有りがたうさん (1936)
5. 蜂の巣の子供たち (1948)

18. 佐藤寿保 (seen: 23 features)
What I wanted to say was that society is becoming more and more individualistic and we all have to question that sometimes. So I didn't mean to encourage people to become murderers, but if you don't defend what you believe in, society can crush you and you lose your beliefs.
b. 1959/08/15, 日本静岡県静岡市
    1. いやらしい人妻 濡れる (1994)
    2. ハードフォーカス 盗聴<ぬすみぎき> (1988)
    3. 女虐 (1996)
    4. (生)盗聴リポート 痴話 (1993)
    5. 痴漢電車 いやらしい行為 (1993)

19. Alain Robbe-Grillet (seen: 8 features)
A new form will always seem more or less an absence of any form at all, since it is unconsciously judged by reference to the consecrated forms.
b. 1922/08/18, Brest, Bretagne, France
d. 2008/02/18, Caen, Basse-Normandie, France
1. Glissements progressifs du plaisir (1974)
2. L' Éden et après (1970)
3. Trans-Europ-Express (1966)
4. La Belle captive (1983)
5. Le jeu avec le feu (1975)

20. Paolo Gioli (seen: 14 shorts)
Photoshop exists, and that’s fine, it’s good to use it, but dexterity also exists, and is fundamental because you’re in the dark in a darkroom, you meditate, your gestures spark certain ideas in you... Thus, on a mental level the dark aids you, it envelops you, it causes you to reflect while you wait for the image to emerge.

b. 1942/10/12, Rovigo, Veneto, Italy
1. Immagini disturbate da un intenso parassita (1970)
2. Traumatografo (1973)
3. Filmarilyn (1992)
4. Piccolo film decomposto (1986)
5. Filmfinish (1986-1989)

21. Jean-Luc Godard (seen: 39 features, 11 shorts)
My aesthetic is that of the sniper on the roof.
b. 1930/12/03, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Histoire(s) du cinéma (1989-1999)
    2. The Old Place (2000)
    3. JLG/JLG - autoportrait de décembre (1994)
    4. Je vous salue, Marie (1985)
5. De l’origine du XXIe siècle (2000)

22. Pedro Costa (seen: 8 features, 6 shorts)
If you don't risk yourself and the people with whom you're working in almost every shot you make, it's not good, it's useless, it's just another film.
b. 1958/12/30, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    1. Juventude em Marcha (2006)
    2. No Quarto da Vanda (2000)
    3. Ossos (1997)
    4. Cavalo Dinheiro (2014)
    5. Où gît votre sourire enfoui? (2001)

23. Jean Rollin (seen: 13 features)
The fantastic cinema is always a good vehicle for discussing certain political ideas in the form of symbols and metaphors.
b. 1938/11/03, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, France
d. 2010/12/12, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Les Raisins de la mort (1978)
La Vampire nue (1970)
3. La Nuit des traquées (1980)
4. Fascination (1979)
Requiem pour un vampire (1972)

24. 松本俊夫 (4 features, 20 shorts)
What you think is reality is false, and what you think is fiction is real.
b. 1932/03/25, 日本愛知県名古屋市
d. 2017/04/12, 日本東京府東京市
    1. 色即是空 (1975)
    2. 修羅 (1971)
    3. 薔薇の葬列 (1969)
    4. エニグマ 謎 (1978)
    5. つぶれかかった右眼のために (1968)

25. Manoel de Oliveira (seen: 30 features, 1 short)
Standing still is to die; that is the point. The worst thing would be to do nothing, to be scared of acting. It would be a mistake to stand still, to not try something.
b. 1908/12/11, Porto, Douro Litoral, Portugal
d. 2015/04/02, Porto, Porto, Portugal
1. Os Canibais (1988)
2. Vale Abraão (1993)
3. Mon cas (1986)
4. Palavra e Utopia (2000)
5. Le Soulier de Satin (1985)

26. Lucio Fulci (seen: 18 features)
Violence is Italian art!
b. 1927/06/27, Roma, Lazio, Italia
d. 1996/03/13, Roma, Lazio, Italia
1. Quella villa accanto al cimitero (1981)
    2. Paura nella città dei morti viventi (1980)
    3. Beatrice Cenci (1969)
    4. Conquest (1983)
    5. Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (1971)

27. 蔡明亮 (seen: 13 features, 2 shorts)
I feel like I'm a citizen of the world, yet there's no single place that I can put my roots down and call home. I don't own anything. I'm not a homeowner. I've always rented and never stayed in one place for long. Almost every time I rent a place, I have some sort of water leakage or flooding.
b. 1957/10/27, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
    1. 天邊一朵雲 (2005)
    2. 不散 (2003)
    3. (1998)
    4. 你那邊幾點 (2001)
    5. 河流 (1997)

28. Frans Zwartjes (seen: 1 feature, 12 shorts)
My own motor system determined the film style.
b. 1927/05/13, Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, Nederlands
d. 2017/11/18, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederlands
    1. Living (1971)
    2. Bedsitters (1974)
    3. Pentimento (1979)
    4. Spectator (1970)
    5. Audition (1973)

29. 大島渚 (seen: 17 features)
The concept of "obscenity" is tested when one dares to look at something that he has an unbearable desire to see but has forbidden himself to look at. When one feels that everything that one had wanted to see has been revealed, "obscenity" disappears, the taboo disappears as well, and there is a certain liberation.
b. 1932/03/31, 日本岡山県玉野市
d. 2013/01/15, 日本神奈川県藤沢市
    1. 東京戰争戦後秘話 (1970)
    2. 新宿泥棒日記 (1969)
    3. 少年 (1969)
    4. 無理心中日本の夏 (1967)
    5. 絞死刑 (1968)

30. Bruce Baillie (seen: 2 features, 8 shorts)
One has to be empty to see. Most people, though, are deliberately full 24 hours a day, except sometimes in their dreams. These are films for when you want to be quiet a while, and feel pleased with the world.
b. 1931/09/24, Aberdeen, South Dakota, USA
d. 2020/04/10, Camano Island, Washington, USA
    1. Quick Billy (1971)
    2. Castro Street (1966)
    3. Tung (1966)
    4. To Parsifal (1963)
    5. Valentín de las Sierras (1971)

31. Andrzej Żuławski (seen: 9 features)
To please the majority is the requirement of the Planet Cinema. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t make a concession to viewers, these victims of life, who think that a film is made only for their enjoyment, and who know nothing about their own existence.
b. 1940/11/22, Львів, Львівська область, СССР
d. 2016/02/17, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska
    1. Possession (1981)
    2. L'Amour braque (1985)
    3. L' Important c'est d'aimer (1975)
    4. Na srebrnym globie (1988)
    5. Diabeł (1972)

32. Raúl Ruiz (seen: 15 features, 3 shorts)
If you can make it complicated, why make it simple?
b. 1941/07/25, Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
d. 2011/08/19, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. La Ville des pirates (1983)
Manoel dans l'île des merveilles (1984)
    3. Les Divisions de la nature (1981)
    4. The Territory (1981)
    5. Zig-Zag: Le jeu de l'oie (Une fiction didactique à propos de la cartographie) (1980)

33. Peter Tscherkassky (seen: 14 shorts)
I refer to my work as being cinematographic poetry and that’s why I love that layering, those superimpositions, right from the beginning of my filmic work.
b. 1958/10/03, Wien, Wien, Österreich
    1. Dream Work (2001)
    2. Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine (2005)
    3. Outer Space (1999)
    4. Tabula rasa (1989)
    5. Manufraktur (1985)

34. Dario Argento (seen: 9 features)
Horror is the future. And you cannot be afraid. You must push everything to the absolute limit or else life will be boring. People will be boring. Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can't be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious.
b. 1940/09/07, Roma, Lazio, Italia
    1. Inferno (1980)
    2. Suspiria (1977)
    3. Phenomena (1985)
    4. Profondo rosso (1975)
    5. Tenebre (1982)

35. Jacques Rivette (seen: 16 features)
What's important for me in a film is that it be alive, that it be imbued with presence, which is basically the same thing. And that this presence, inscribed within the film, possesses a form of magic. There's something profoundly mysterious in this.
b. 1928/03/01, Rouen, Seine-Inférieure, France
d. 2016/01/29, Paris, Île-de-France, France
1. Le Pont du Nord (1981)
    2. Céline et Julie vont en bateau - Phantom Ladies Over Paris (1974)
    3. Out 1, noli me tangere (1971)
    4. Duelle (une quarantaine) / Noroît (une vengeance) (1976)
    5. Merry-Go-Round (1980)

36. Tarr Béla (seen: 8 features, 1 short)
I don't care about stories. I never did. Every story is the same. We have no new stories. We're just repeating the same ones. I really don't think, when you do a movie that you have to think about the story. The film isn't the story. It's mostly picture, sound, a lot of emotions. The stories are just covering something.
b. 1955/07/21, Pécs, Baranya, Magyarország
    1. Sátántangó (1994)
    2. Werckmeister harmóniák (2000)
    3. Kárhozat (1988)
    4. A torinói ló (2011)
    5. Macbeth (1982)

37. 河瀨直美 (seen: 11 features, 4 shorts)
The job of cinema is to concentrate on love or passion.
b. 1969/05/30, 日本奈良県奈良市
    1. 萌の朱雀 (1997)
    2. きゃからばあ (2001)
    3. 殯の森 (2007)
    4. 陽は傾ぶき (1996)
    5. かたつもり (1995)

38. Šarūnas Bartas (seen: 7 features, 2 shorts)
Sadness is a much more stable emotion in people than happiness.
b. 1964/08/16, Šiauliai, Šiauliai Apskritis, СССР
    1. Mūsų nedaug (1996)
    2. Trys dienos (1991)
    3. Praėjusios dienos atminimui (1990)
    4. A Casa (1997)
    5. Koridorius (1995)

39. Stephen Dwoskin (seen: 8 features, 8 shorts)
I do not reflect on the media, I do my work, I work on people.
b. 1939/01/15, Brooklyn, New York, USA
d. 2012/06/28, London, Greater London, UK
Behindert (1974)
    2. Trying to Kiss the Moon (1994)

    3. Tod und Teufel (1974)
    4. Dyn Amo (1972)
Lost Dreams (2003)

40. 洪金寶 (seen: 16 features)
I looked in the mirror and thought, I’m fat! How can I be a kung fu superstar?
b. 1952/01/07, 英屬香港
    1. 群龍戲鳳 (1989)
    2. 東方禿鷹 (1987)
    3. 提防小手 (1982)
    4. 鬼打鬼 (1980)
    5. 脂粉双雄 (1990)

41. Mario Bava (seen: 16 features)
Movies are a magician's forge, they allow you to build a story with your hands--at least, that's what it means to me. What attracts me in movies is to be presented with a problem and be able to solve it. Nothing else; just to create an illusion, an effect, with almost nothing.
b. 1914/07/31, San Remo, Liguria, Italia
d. 1980/04/25, Roma, Lazio, Italia
    1. Operazione paura (1966)
    2. 5 bambole per la luna d'agosto (1970)
    3. Cani arrabbiati (1974)

    4. Il rosso segno della folli
a (1970)
5. Il coltelli del vendicatore (1966)

42. James Benning (seen: 12 features)
I have a very simple definition of an artist. The artist is someone who pays attention and reports back.
b. 1942/12/28, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
    1. 13 Lakes (2004)
    2. North on Evers (1992)
    3. Landscape Suicide (1987)
    4. Deseret (1995)
    5. Sogobi (2002)

43. 今村昌平 (seen: 10 features)
I am interested in the relationship of the lower part of the human body and the lower part of the social structure on which the reality of daily Japanese life obstinately supports itself.
b. 1926/09/15, 日本東京府東京市
d. 2006/05/30, 日本東京府東京市
    1. 赤い殺意 (1964)
    2. にっぽん昆虫記 (1963)
    3. 神々の深き欲望 (1968)
    4. 人間蒸発 (1967)
    5. 豚と軍艦 (1961)

44. Nicholas Ray (seen: 11 features)
You like these films, but you can't imagine how often they represent only 50% of what I wanted to do. You have no idea how I had to fight to achieve even that 50%.
b. 1911/08/07, Galesville, Wisconsin, USA
d. 1979/06/16, New York City, New York, USA
    1. They Live by Night (1948)
    2. Johnny Guitar (1954)
    3. The Lusty Men (1952)
    4. Bigger Than Life (1956)
    5. In a Lonely Place (1950)

45. 侯孝賢 (seen: 13 features)
The cinema that I like has a kind of simultaneity between conspicuousness, exteriority and content... If I were to compare film to music, I'd say that what interests me is more like the style of a fugue than that of an orchestral symphony. I like to create films in the same way as one would a fugue.
b. 1947/04/08, 中華民国広東省梅州市
    1. 戀戀風塵 (1986)
    2. 悲情城市 (1989)
    3. 童年往事 (1985)
    4. 冬冬的假期 (1984)
    5. 海上花 (1998)

46. Bruce Conner (seen: 14 shorts)
With the Ford Foundation grant all of a sudden instead of being an artist that had made a couple of short films, I became a filmmaker who dabbled in the arts.
b. 1933/11/18, McPherson, Kansas, USA
d. 2008/07/07, San Francisco, California, USA
    1. Looking for Mushrooms (1996)
    2. Report (1967)
    3. Valse Triste (1977)
    4. Take the 5:10 to Dreamland (1976)
    5. Crossroads (1976)

47. Jesús Franco (seen: 33 features)
I feel that cinema should be like a box of surprises, like a magic box. And in that world, anything is allowed to enter, as long as it's always treated with a spirit of "Pop!". Not in the spirit of "Now you understand the problems of society in 1947". No, I don't give a shit about that.
b. 1930/05/12, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
d. 2013/04/02, Málaga, Andalucía, Spain
    1. Die Liebesbriefe einer portugiesischen Nonne (1977)
    2. Paroxismus (1969)
    3. Eugénie (1973)
    4. La maldición de Frankenstein (1973)
    5. Les Démons (1973)

48. Chris Marker (seen: 11 features, 17 shorts)
Rarely has reality needed so much to be imagined.
b. 1921/07/29, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, France
d. 2012/07/29, Paris, Île-de-France, France
    1. Level Five (1997)
    2. Sans Soleil (1983)
    3. La Jetée (1962)
    4. Le Mystère Koumiko (1965)
    5. Vive la baleine (1972)

49. Johan van der Keuken (seen: 11 features, 21 shorts)
Film has its origins at the Fair and that should stay that way.
b. 1938/04/04, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
d. 2001/01/07, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    1. Het oog boven de put (1988)
    2. De weg naar het zuiden (1981)
    3. Face Value (1991)
    4. Amsterdam Global Village (1996)
    5. De nieuwe ijstijd (1974)

50. John Ford (seen: 17 features)
I didn't show up at the ceremony to collect any of my first three Oscars. Once I went fishing, another time there was a war on, and on another occasion, I remember, I was suddenly taken drunk.
b. 1894/02/01, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA
d. 1973/08/31, Palm Desert, California, USA
    1. The Long Gray Line (1954)
    2. How Green Was My Valley (1941)
    3. The Sun Shines Bright (1953)
    4. Sergeant Rutledge (1960)
    5. Tobacco Road (1941)

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